Lose blacks and dull colours:embrace bright colours


The other day, I was to put on a white dress and a purple top. I put them together the previous night but I was too lazy to iron in the evening. So, I decide I’ll iron in the morning; morning comes and I wake up a little late which means I can’t iron. Besides, the white dress needed me to put on specific heels and I just didn’t have the energy to walk in them.  So I rummage my closet and I settled on a yellow dress; a good choice cus I didn’t need to iron it and the heels I was to pair it with are quite comfortable.  Sigh! Does anyone else hate ironing like me? I try as much as possible not to get something that will need ironing all the time. Ironing saps the life out of me.

Anyway, I noticed on this particular day I was in good moods the whole day. I couldn’t help feeling beautiful (notice I didn’t use pretty J) and radiant. In fact someone asked me what I had in the morning cus my spirits were so high. I’ll teach you something today, never tell anyone that they are looking pretty cus it means they are attractive yes but they are not really beautiful. We have this inside joke with my friend Shi *chuckles* of calling each other pretty, hahhahaha!

Anyway, maybe some of you have no idea how colors play a very important role in our lives. It’s color that draws you to a certain dress, a product, a certain brand and so many other things. Colors have the power to control our emotions, yes they do. Let’s look at colors in depth;

Warm colors (yellow, orange and red)

Warm colors have a way of bringing out happiness and feelings of energy. I wonder why people insist on putting on black to a funeral when it’s already sad enough.

  • Yellow

Try putting on yellow on that day you wake up feeling like you are carrying the whole universe on your shoulders. It might not solve your problems but it’ll raise your moods. Yellow is the color associated with new ideas; it helps in finding new ideas of doing things. Yellow has the ability to awaken optimism and greater confidence. However, too bright yellow might stress you up especially if you are going through a difficult transition in your life. Therefore, get the right yellow that does not irritate your eyes J

  • Orange

Orange is a combination of yellow and red; it enhances playfulness. It enhances a feeling of vitality as well as happiness just like yellow. Orange can be aggressive but it is quite friendly an inviting. It shows movement but with a less overpowering effect. Orange uplifting and we should strive to find a way to incorporate it in our daily lives. Don’t do too much orange; a top (blouse or camisole), a bracelet or a hair band is just fine. Put on color orange when you want to be ‘the life’ in the office.

  • Red

Red has been associated with many things; passionate, sexy as well as the color for showing danger. Red is a physical stimulant which means it ignites action as well as enhances a speedy response. Ever wondered why most lingerie is red? For speedy ignition as well as response. Red is a powerful color and too much of it results into an overkill. So, stick to small doses of red like nail polish, lipstick, and shoes and if you are in full red, break it with other colors like yellow and black.

Cool colors (green, purple and blue)

Cool colors are calming as well as soothing but they can also be used to express sadness; Purple sparks creativity.  Green is easy on eyes and the eyes can stay there for longer. As for blue; it is so calming. This color causes the body to create some chemicals that evoke a calming feeling. Wondered why Twitter and Facebook used blue as their brand colors? Cus blue gives a friendly feel and a more relaxing feel.

So, lose black and all dull clothes from your closet and you’ll experience a shift on your moods. Get yourself colored and flowered outfits and become girly all over again.

Let me give you a few ideas on some colors that should find their way into your closet.




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